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above: Rosie is not afraid of having a soapy bath.... but thunder storms completely unnerve her!
BOOM! -written by Mary Lyn Ray & illustrated by Steven Salerno published by Hyperion Books/Disney, 2013.
Rosie is a small dog, but brave. Well, except when it comes to thunder and lightning... The first rumble and clap of thunder sends her cowering behind the furniture!
"Illustrator Salerno creates a breezy, retro feel reminiscent of classic Curious George illustrations. Broad brush strokes and scratchy textures in a subdued palette convey energy and emotion as the storm approaches" -Kirkus Reviews
“Salerno’s mixed-media compositions feature willowy lines and splashes of color and texture. The vintage aesthetic evokes small-town life in a simpler era, while enormous typographical “booms” and “cracks” bring to life the ferocity of the storm” -Publishers Weekly

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above: a detailed cropped view of the cover for BOOM!
see Steven’s complete list of published picture books to date

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above: preliminary sketch studies developing the look of the main character, Rosie the little bulldog.

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above: close up detail of Rosie sleeping peacefully at night... until the storm suddenly arrives.

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above: detailed cropped view of a page from the printed book... Rosie cowers under the coffee table at the first rumble of thunder.

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above: detailed cropped view of the title page of BOOM! -Rosie looking anxiously out of the window at the darkening sky.

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above: one of the preliminary sketches of little dog Rosie and her owner racing home together.

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above: the opening spread of the book depicting little Rosie racing along with her owner on his bicycle.