four small service robots
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Steven enjoys imagining alien creatures and bringing them to life in sketch form. These images all start out as random, unplanned doodles (created with ink or crayon drawn directly on scraps paper). Some of these doodles quickly grow into the more fully developed sketches you see posted here.
Although these alien creature sketches are merely personal drawings, they have lead to some interesting illustration assignments for Steven... like the book project for Random House -to create 30 illustrations for the tongue-in-cheek paranormal activity novel, Ghosts from Our Past -which is the tie-in book associated with the SONY PICTURES 2016 summer blockbuster movie, the new GHOSTBUSTERS.
...see a post on Steven's blog to learn more about this book project for Random House.

menacing alien with unusual and elaborate helmet-mask
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contemplative human-like alien with yellow skin, top tuft of hair, goatee, and many narrow slots in head
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warrior bot with hand weapons, human-like face, and an odd head antenna
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wise older alien with tube-like tendons that connect head and torso
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human wearing protective suite with mounted shoulder weapon
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alien with serious expression
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Steven enjoys imagining odd alien creatures... These images all start out as random, unplanned doodles (created with ink or crayon drawn directly on scraps of paper) which quickly grow into fully realized sketches. Posted here are some of his favorites...

warrior alien with multiple horns, some broken
click upper right corner of images to enlarge
Steven enjoys imagining alien creatures and bringing them to life in sketch form. These images all start out as random, unplanned doodles (created with ink or crayon drawn directly on scraps of paper) some of which quickly grow into fully realized sketches. Posted here are some of his favorites...

human wearing a very large communications helmet with two side fins
click upper right corner of images to enlarge

alien with flat, mushroom-like head and earlobes that hang down looking like earrings
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red skinned alien with top tentacle, wearing a helmet
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