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above: opening spread which introduces the menacing pirate family: Papa, Mama and Baby.
Goldenlocks and the Three Pirates -written by April Jones Prince & illustrated by Steven Salerno published by Farrar Straus Giroux, 2017
A new spin on the "Goldilocks" classic children’s tale. This version has a young Goldenlocks exploring an empty sailing ship and using her handy "fix-it" skills she improves upon the flavor of a bland breakfast gruel, repairs a broken stool, and sews a torn hammock. However when the ship's owners return (a family of rowdy pirates!) they are not happy someone has been messing with their belongings!
“Arr-guably the best pirate fairy tale to sail the seven storytimes” -Kirkus Reviews
"Salerno builds suspense with his illustrations of the red-faced, scowling pirates as they bellow, stomp, and finally confront Goldenlocks, before recognizing how handy she is" -Publishers Weekly
“A raucous and nautical take on the classic “Goldilocks” story… Equally delightful for preschool storytimes or one-on-one readings” -School Library Journal
- Amazon Editors Best Book of the Month Selection

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above: cropped view of the title page of Goldenlocks and the Three Pirates.
see Steven’s complete list of published picture books to date

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above: final SKETCH: The hungry young Goldenlocks is lured toward the pirate ship by the aroma of a breakfast meal... The area in the upper left is to accommodate the story text.

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above: The final illustration based on the sketch (see left) of hungry young Goldenlocks lured toward the pirate ship by the aroma of Mama Pirate's breakfast gruel...

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above: Goldenlocks explores the empty sailing ship and finds a hammock badly in need of repair, and sets to work with needle and thread.

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above: preliminary SKETCH: a early stage rough study developing the look of Papa Pirate.

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above: cropped view of illustration depicting Goldenlocks taking a tumble when sitting on one of the pirate family stools