^ Brexit -Not So Smooth of an Exit? -illustration by Steven Salerno -visit stevensalerno.com
Here’s a new illustration I just created… a Brit wearing a bowler hat riding a bicycle and waving the Union Jack flag, seemingly trampling over the European Union flag as he rides away, the only problem being that his wheels are square making for a very bumpy and inefficient exit.
Actually many years ago I made a very similar little ink drawing of a man wearing a bowler hat with a funny looking mustache riding a green bicycle. I was looking at that old drawing recently and decided to draw it again, this time digitally… adding in the British flag, the square wheels a red bicycle, and EU flag, making it a mild political commentary illustration.
^ Brexit -Not So Smooth of an Exit? (detail) -illustration by Steven Salerno -visit stevensalerno.com
^ Brexit -Not So Smooth of an Exit? (detail) -illustration by Steven Salerno -visit stevensalerno.com
At the beginning of my illustration career in the 1980’s my illustrations were more realistic looking and dark in psychology… which lead to me illustration magazine and newspaper articles that were always serious in subject matter. In the 1990’s I shifted my style drastically to stylistically be far more simple and whimsical in look and tone, which lead to an avalanche of assignments greatly expanding my magazine client base, adding advertising agencies to my client base, illustrating cookbooks, product packaging, etc… This illustration posted here, which I created just this week, because it was based on an illustration I did 25 years ago it has the same simple and whimsical look of the illustrations I created back I the 1990’s!
If you look at most of my new illustrations (post 2008) some have become kind of a blend of my styling from very early in my career (dark and serious in tone) with my styling from the 1990’s through about 2008 which was very whimsical and graphically simple. And some of my new illustration kind of bounce back and forth between the two styles. Some have the dark & serious look (see some of my current political illustrations or some of my samples in the Dark Visions section, or even some of my illustrations for non-fiction picture books). And some of my new illustrations are light and whimsical, which can been seen in the editorial section, advertising section, and in many of my fiction picture books.
Visit stevensalerno.com