Head in the Sand –placing one’s head in the sand isn’t protection from the increasing ill effects of global climate change. A social commentary drawing by illustrator Steven Salerno. View more of his drawings in the social commentary portfolio section of his web site
…with all the scientific evidence mounting indicating that the uptick in global temperature is resulting in droughts and storms and reduction ice polar ice fields, etc… what the future holds for the planet is always on my mind. Such that for the past year I have been writing a new picture book story describing humans having caused this ever increasing threat to the environment and every living creature…
This simple line drawing posted here is a general “climate change” image I created recently and is not related at all to the story I am writing. The cliché phrase of “one’s head in the sand” popped into my thoughts, but my vision of it had the added twist showing the person at the same time still having the common sense to try and protect themselves with an umbrella. So, if a person is aware that it’s getting warmer and devastating storms are more frequent and polar ice is melting at an alarmingly relentless rate, shouldn’t they have the intellect to assess the data and acknowledge the human-made origins as to why it is all happening?
(The drawing above was created digitally, combined with a painted gouache texture.)
This lack of ability to discern the truth has me posting another previous drawing I created –posing just that question… that some people seemingly cannot discern the truth on a particular issue even when the clear facts are spelled out right in from of their nose. This lacking characteristic must be a complex problem with many contributing factors! Meanwhile… back to my writing!
Visit stevensalerno.com to view my various portfolios for magazines advertising, packaging, as well as my many picture books for kids.